Monday, August 30, 2010

My First Photostory

Goodbye polaroids; goodbye instamatic camera. Digital cameras have taken over and photos are now stored electronically instead of in photo albums and boxes. Unlike the rest of you, I had to race to the store last Thursday to purchase a digital camera. Of course, I had no idea how to use it so the digital natives at Tae-Kwon-Do were more than happy to give me a quick lesson and I was off and running. Armed with pictures, I headed home to create my first photostory. With relative ease, I transferred the pictures to my computer. My biggest obstacle was in downloading Photostory 3. I'm still not sure what the problem was, but after trying several different things, I was successful. As I started my project, I realized how user friendly the Photostory program is. The steps were easy to follow, it was easy to go back and correct mistakes, and a variety of options were available to express your creativity. I hope you enjoy watching my first photostory as much as I enjoyed making it. Feel free to let me know what you think!